Sunday, April 8, 2012

Charting the Pacific

Ephermeral macro/micro transposition of relative coodinates betwixt said Dunedin basement and the point of uncertainty. (Early attempt)


goosey said...

The node of uncertainty, what is that? Perhaps a brief outline?

Nice map !

hadron.prune said...

the point of inaccessibility seems quite close to this

and this looks alot like your milk bottle/sea creature investigations

hadron.prune said...
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hadron.prune said...

A brief outline on uncertainty? it seems the node of uncertainty would be somehow in relation to aforementioned activities in tCoC, the point of inaccessibility, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the Mariana Trench and each of the Pacific Gyre's. A pole without certainty in measure or understanding, beyond fathoming. Now I'm becoming interested in the 'Abyssal Plains' and the Hadal zones. The Abyssal plains cover 50% of the worlds surface and are home predominantly to discomedusae, tube worms, viperfish and sea cucumbers. Vast plains of silt punctuated by 'black smokers'. Working with a profane bastardization of principles set forth by Hesse in his 'Glass Bead Game' I could marry the seemingly unmarriagable in a game designed to bring forth esoteric hiddens. Using Koestlers 'bisociation', "blending of elements drawn from of two previously unrelated matrices of thought into a new matrix of meaning" to both enlighten an obfuscate. I never really know what exactly I've created until long after it's over. If the age of sails which we seem to be aligned with was a time of Empire, and perhaps this Empire had elements of both contact and a desire to subordinate 'nature', now perhaps this 'nature' we thought we discovered has turned out to be unknowable, both in a vast and unfathomable sense of the sublime (HPL) but also in a postmodern sense of endless textuality. To find the boundary between nature and machination we delve deeper and deeper trying to slip the scalpel between but really we just bring to light a vast continuum, an abyssal plain of sorts.

hadron.prune said...

somethings are best said in threes. Like the best magic spell, the three graces, the three norns, the maiden/mother/crone.